The life of a stripper is often the thing of myth, urban legend,
fantasies, the worst nightmares and most fantastic miracles! Despite
it's dark side, the life of a stripper remains alluring, exciting,
filled with marvellous opportunities and unpredictable events, created
by a spectrum of different kinds of people with a variety of ways and
means but always, with the same ultimate goal. Your undivided attention.
Everything else is a consequence of that and no matter whether they're
the club owner/management/employee, customer/punter/patron or
secondary affiliate (eg, taxi driver, seamstress), their motivations
may differ but their goal is the common denominator that defines the
surreal world of a stripper. Like you never stop being an alcoholic
even after you quit drinking, you never stop being a stripper even if
you find another job. Female exotic dancers have always offered the
most sophisticated adult entertainment, the profession remains ageless
because even in this modern day, seduction, is still the preferred game
played by all grown up people in the world. Whether you seek to seduce
or desire to be seduced, your local strip club is the best place to
start a game only REAL ADULTS should play.

I had been a desk jockey for 10 months after launching this site just
more than a year ago. I have been busy doing research for a couple of
projects which have captivated my interest and have become more
intriguing with time. Unfortunately, I am plagued by the "curse of the
exotic dancer", therefore, I run out of money and other resources
faster than most other women and come back to my craft to renew my
dire cashflow situation with countless deposits and debit orders down
to the barest minimum requirements. Packing up my flat in Cape Town and going on
the road was the best decision I've made this year because the
travelling, and all it entails, has given me a new lease on life,
physically, mentally and spiritually. I confess, I am addicted to
being a "show girl"! I can hardly be blamed as any human being would
succumb to the consistent rush of adrenalin, serotonin, dopamine,
endorphins and a host of other hormones which flood the body every time
you do your job. The job itself becomes the addiction. I guess one can
honestly say, I'm high on life ..... while I'm stripping.

I've been on contract to a number of different towns and cities in
South Africa since I left Cape Town for Johannesburg on the 20th of
August. Thus far it's truly been an adventure and I have seen some
great places and quite a few that need work. The trade-off is always
money versus facilities and time, so it's quite a luxury to have
great facilities, caring owners, empathic management, beautiful,
tranquil environ, humane working hours, a reasonable basic, daily meals
as well as maid service and the patrons, gentlemen. A veritable,"La
Med" for strippers! Where would such a place exist in South Africa,
you ask? ........Pietermaritzberg!........ I know..........unlikely
but true."Stargazers" in Pietermaritzberg. A very esotericapproach
to strip club concepts. A place for "cocktails and dreams", indeed. On
the day of our arrival it was very hot here and we were hot and bothered
from our long journey. I had been travelling with a collegue from Cape Town to this new venue.
Within 10 minutes two beautiful naked girls came
to invite us into the swimming pool to cool down and relax. ......
exciting even if you're a hot chick yourself!

I've not extended my contract at any venue since the start of this road trip, not even for a day and cutting some
short, until arriving here in Sleepy Hollow. I am half way through my
third week and I grow to like Pietermaritzberg and her people more
and more by the day. It seems for now, this travelling gypsy, has
found a place to unhook the caravan and pitch a tent.